Musical Images for Chamber Orchestra Vol 2 in Review
McEncroe's first album release for 2020, Musical Images for Chamber Orchestra—Reflections & Recollections, Vol. 2, has received great reviews in the online digital press.

"It is the continuously unwinding diatonic lyricism that marks this set of music off as both distinct from Satie's "Furniture Music" and yet spinning its own web of continuously present sameness of intent...
....this music...offers a reflection of visceral consonential pleasure. " -- Grego Applegate Edwards
"Nocturnal Images and Floating Lilies give a good sense of the kind of contemplative quietude within which all these pieces float, and into which they invite listeners who are disposed to enter McEncroe’s memory world with him and dwell therein for a time." -- infodad online
Released on February 14th, by Parma Recordings on the Navona Records label, you can buy, download or stream it now.