Grand string themes and lyricism - My Symphonic Poems Album review

Here's another review of McEncroe's album "My Symphonic Poems" from the InfoDad team: "All 10 of the symphonic poems by Mark John McEncroe heard on a two-CD Navona release show the composer’s ability to craft effective music for a large instrumental group, and all look to the past in the sense in which they are emotionally evocative rather than mired in compositional fads or techniques of the moment. They are nevertheless quite contemporary in their aims, with some speaking of a natural world that McEncroe regards as being systematically destroyed and deserving of much greater respect, while others express internal struggles and attempts to come to terms with them." Read the full review at InfoDad My Symphonic Poems, released on Oct 12 through Navona Records is available for purchase at all good online outlets.