Dark Clouds of Life one of Top 20 Classical Albums of 2017

Mark John McEncroe's Dark Clouds in Life has been chosen as No. 6 on Textura’s end of year “Top 20 Classical” list.
"Classical composers regularly explore themes of tragedy and loss in their works, but such themes are often handled in a rather general way that accentuates their universality. On Dark Clouds In Life, Australian composer Mark John McEncroe foresakes the general for music that couldn't be any more particular. Yet in writing material that is so personal, he also maximizes its emotional effect, and as a result, it communicates in such a powerful way that others are able to experience vicariously the emotional terrain encompassed by the project."
See the full Top 20 list here: http://textura.org/archives/articles/2017top10s.htm#20classical
The album is released through Navona Records, which made No. 2 on Textura's Top 10 labels of the year.