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An uncanny ability to channel emotion into musical form - Album Review

McEncroe's new album Dark Clouds In Life has received an impressive review on

The reviewer writes:

"It's not uncommon for classical composers to explore themes of tragedy and loss in their works, but such themes are often handled in a rather general way that accentuates their universality. On Dark Clouds In Life, Australian composer Mark John McEncroe foresakes the general... Yet in writing material that is so personal, he also maximizes its emotional effect, and ... communicates in such a powerful way that others are able to experience vicariously the emotional terrain encompassed by the project.

"McEncroe's Navona debut release impresses on so many levels, it's hard to highlight one at the risk of selling another short. But perhaps more than anything else, it's the music's emotional dimension that proves most affecting in the way it intensifies the poignancy of the material involved. Such remarkable and intensely rewarding music ultimately transcends any category one might attempt to impose upon it.

Mark John McEncroe’s Dark Clouds In Life was released on March 10th on Amazon, iTunes, and ArkivMusic.

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