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New Scores Published

Wirripang, home of Australian Composers, has just published five new review scores by Mark John McEncroe. Symphonic Suite No 1 “A Modern Medieval Tale” is a story that continues in Symphonic Suite No. 2 “And The Medieval Tale Continues”. Although set in Medieval Times, the story is very much relevant to the present day. Symphonic Poem “The Passing” 2nd edition, is a new re-orchestration of the work originally published in 2014. And there are now two more symphonic poems added to the repertoire: Echoes From a Haunted Past, which continues and develops the themes explored in Natalie’s Suite, and A Pageant At The County Fair which is a part of the Medieval Tale told in Symphonic Suites 1 and 2, written for the Ballet Troupe of the Rousse Opera Society. Each book is published as full orchestral Conductor's score and includes a CD of the work performed by The Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra.

They can also be purchased for immediate PDF download. For parts as a PDF download contact

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