Grand string themes and lyricism - My Symphonic Poems Album review
Here's another review of McEncroe's album "My Symphonic Poems" from the InfoDad team: "All 10 of the symphonic poems by Mark John...

No Gimmicks - "My Symphonic Poems" album review
McEncroe's latest release, "My Symphonic Poems" has been reviewed on Pizzicato Magazine, the internet music journal of Luxembourg's Remy...

Lovely, Memorable Melodies - "My Symphonic Poems" Album Review
Another great review of McEncroe's album "My Symphonic poems" can be found at Records International Online: "These tone poems succeed...

The secret sauce is the punk rock spirit - Album Review
Check out this short and sweet review of McEncroe's latest album "My Symphonic Poems". Chris Spector of Midwest Record online writes: The...

Dark Clouds of Life one of Top 20 Classical Albums of 2017
Mark John McEncroe's Dark Clouds in Life has been chosen as No. 6 on Textura’s end of year “Top 20 Classical” list. "Classical composers...

A Lovely Lyricism - Symphonic Suites 1 & 2 Album Review
Classical Candor recently reviewed McEncroe's new album SYMPHONIC SUITES 1 & 2, finding in the works reminders of Prokofiev's Romeo and...

Something Entirely Different - Symphonic Suites 1 & 2 Album Review
More great press. Gapplegate Classical-Modern Music Review happily recommend McEncroe's latest album Symphonic Suites 1 & 2 — A Medieval...

Intimate and Cinematic - Dark Clouds in Life album review
McEncroe's very personal album Dark Clouds in Life has received a great review from Kathodik's Luciano Feliciani. He writes: "Una musica...

Mood and Melody and Dynamic Contrast - Symphonic Suites 1 & 2 Album Review
Textura.org have reviewed McEncroe's new album Symphonic Suites 1 & 2: "More than anything else, two things in particular distinguish the...

Parma's August New Music Features their 500th Release!
PARMA Recording's August round of releases is a little different from their previous offerings. On August 11th, they’re releasing...