New Scores Published
Wirripang, home of Australian Composers, has just published five new review scores by Mark John McEncroe. Symphonic Suite No 1 “A Modern...

I hear quite a bit of Chopin in this piece, and I LOVE Chopin!
Kathy Parsons of MainlyPiano.com has just posted her reviews of Mark's second volume "Reflections & Recollections Vol 2". The reviewer...

A melange of inspirations from folk-song to Satie - CD review
My first two CDs Reflections & Recollections Vols 1 and 2, have been reviewed by Meriel Owen. The review, produced here below in full,...

Natalie’s Suite Now Published
Publishing news update! My Symphonic Suite “Natalie’s Suite – Three Faces of Addiction” has now been published by Wirripang – Home of...

Solo Piano Sheet Music Finds A Home
Mark John McEncroe's solo piano sheet music has found a home with Wirripang. Composers of classical music and solo piano music, Wirripang...